By Brady Betzel
I think 2020 and 2021 have been really difficult, and many of you might feel the same way. That is hard to admit — I guess my pride gets in the way a little — but with three sons under 10 at home, and now at school, it feels like one stress leads to another and another and another.
I’ve been able to keep my sanity — for the most part — because of my wife. In addition to her being a fantastic mom to the three very active boys I mentioned earlier, she’ll always give me her opinion if I ask when editing and doing online work. For example, “Will anyone notice this paint out?” Her answer is usually, “No! You’re being crazy.” It’s nice to have that sounding board. But even if you aren’t in a relationship or don’t have kids, some of the tools I’ve found to cope might help you as well.
Take a Walk
Before the apocalypse kicked in and I was working out of the studio, I tried to take walk around Hollywood at lunchtime. But now I find it is imperative to do some sort of exercise. Working from home brings its own set of problems, mainly getting too comfortable sitting. A solution has been to ride my knock-off Peloton bike and use the real Peloton app ($14.95 per month) to work out with my favorite instructor, Kendall Toole, who has metal-based rides that are right up my ally). I also make sure I walk a few miles a day. I always feel better afterward and am easier to deal with … just ask the earlier referenced wife.
Exercise also helps me generate new ideas. If I’m taking using the Peloton app, I’ll take a hip-hop class or something I normally wouldn’t, and I’ll notice that I may have new ideas later in the day. If I’m walking around the neighborhood, I might take a new route or try listening to a different podcast or music. I find that changing the scenery a little helps.
Clean Your Desk
A clean desk will give you a clear mind, which will make it possible for you to create to the best of your ability. So even if you think your notepads, pens, USB-C cables, GoPro cameras, laptops, etc. are vital, they aren’t. Get a storage container and clear off your desk as best as possible. This is obviously easier said than done, but I strive to keep my area as clear as possible … until the kids start stacking up their stuff.
This also goes for your computer desktop — keep it clean! Even if that means having a “Desktop” folder, keeping your desktop clear can really help from stumbling over different files to find the app you want to open.
Get a Light
Last year, I reviewed some Litra lights. They can be used for so many things. They are waterproof, small, are GoPro-mountable, rechargeable and controllable over Bluetooth.
What I really like about them is they force me to do a little director of photography work for my Zoom calls. It gets my mind thinking from another perspective. It also reminds me how hard other people’s jobs are. Either way, adding a simple light to your Zoom calls makes you look better because webcams don’t always offer the best-quality video, and the fastest way to fix that is with tons of light!
Grab a Camera
Very recently, I reviewed the new GoPro Hero 10 — an amazing camera packed into an astonishingly small package. But for these purposes, the best camera is the one you have on you. So whether you have a Panasonic GH5, Sony A7s III, Canon 5D Mark II, an old phone with a camera, or even an old Digital 8 camcorder with old 8mm tapes like me, go film something. If you’re going on that walk I suggested earlier, take a camera with you. At the very least, take some B-roll footage: cars passing by, leaves on the ground, the sky, whatever.
This always gets me looking at life from another perspective. It also helps me get my mind off the cameraperson’s shadow that I’m having trouble tracking in Mocha or how many shows I need to export by the end of the day.
Take Care of Yourself
I know saying “take care of yourself” is trite and platitudinal, but that doesn’t make it less true. Like I said in the beginning of this article, the last two years have been hard. Whether you stay inside all day and night or go outside and pretend like we aren’t in a pandemic, take care of yourself.

Brady and his boys
Drink more water than the recommended amount. Challenge yourself to walk a little further than you think you can. Push a little harder on the exercise bike. Move your social media apps to a secret folder to make them harder to access. Make that doctor’s appointment you’ve been putting off. I have noticed that when I put my health first, I feel better. I started to get high blood pressure before the pandemic, which wasn’t a surprise, as it runs in my family. But every three months, I would get a blood test and a checkup. Other than having to take a low dose of medicine, I noticed that tightly limiting my red meat intake almost eliminated any issues. It was actually kind of nuts. I still need to do more, but the moral of the story is: Don’t skip out on basic health needs just because you think you can push it off. Do it now.
When writing this piece, I realized that my theme went from remote editing tips to life tips, which kind of irritates me because who am I to offer advice? I cringe at TikTok and Instagram videos of people telling me things when I know they are full of crap. So take from this article what you will. I know I’m still a work in progress and will continue to find ways to help myself. Stay safe and sane out there in the world.
Brady Betzel is an Emmy-nominated online editor at Margarita Mix in Hollywood, working on shows like Life Below Zero and Uninterrupted: The Shop . He is also a member of the Producers Guild of America. You can email Brady at Follow him on Twitter @allbetzroff.