Dell’s Matt Allard and NVIDIA’s Rick Champagne join postPerspective to talk about powering creative workflows. Topics include the announcement of NVIDIA’s new Quadro RTX A6000 and the impact it will have on user workflows, Dell’s recently released Precision 3240 small form factor workstation — now available with the Quadro RTX 3000, the challenges facing creatives today, and more.
- Virtual Panel Sponsored By: Dell & NVIDIA
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Cloud-based virtual workstations are not a new concept, but now they have become essential. Moderated by postPerspective’s Randi Altman, watch our Virtual Panel featuring AWS, NVIDIA and Tangent Animation/Labs discussing what virtual workstations are, how they work, who is using this technology today, and how working remotely will continue to evolve and influence content production. Tune in!
- Virtual Panel Sponsored By: AWS
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