Welcome to what we are calling NAB Season 2020. While there was no physical NAB Show in Vegas this year, many companies were already prepared to introduce and sell new tools. In order to report on that news, postPerspective has brought the show to you via Zoom interviews with post pros and those who make the gear they use.
In addition to our video interviews, we are also hosting a “Show Floor” section on our site, which includes Virtual Product Demos and Product Pro Chats. Check it out.
We hope you enjoy all our coverage of new technology, upcoming products, user thoughts and industry trends. We can't all be together in Vegas, but this is our way of keeping our community connected.
This is the first of three video newsletters
you will receive from us.
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Nice Shoes' Katie Hinsen
In her role as executive producer at Nice Shoes, Hinsen talks about the studio's move into VFX and how they are expanding their DI and dailies offerings in LA and Toronto.
Maxon's Dave McGavran
Maxon Cinema 4D Release 22 is now available as a subscription offering. The release goes wide to all this September, offering UV enhancements, a new viewport and more.

