
Virtual Panel: Predicting the Future of Post — Lessons Learned From 2020
Category: Webinars

Our expert panel includes Nice Shoes DI’s Katie Hinsen, Senior Post’s Josh Senior, Flavorlab’s Glenn Schloss, and Break + Enter’s Dave

Virtual Panel: Post in the Year 2020 & Where Do We Go Next?
Category: Webinars

postPerspective's Randi Altman caught up with Goldcrest Post's Ahmed Barbary, Visual Data's Steve Spear and Telestream's

A Conversation With Framestore's David Bees and NetApp's Dave Frederick

postPerspective's Randi Altman hosted a conversation with Framestore's David Bees and NetApp's Dave Frederick about remote workflows

Dell Partner Series: Dell & Adobe Collaborate to Strengthen the User Experience

Adobe’s Dave Helmly and Dell’s Matt Allard join postPerspective for a lively chat about the state of our industry today

Dell Partner Series: Dell & Maxon on Collaboration and Creativity

Maxon’s Paul Babb and Dell’s Matt Allard sit down with postPerspective to talk about their collaboration and how it benefits

Dell Partner Series: Dell & NVIDIA on Powering Creative Workflows

Dell's Matt Allard and NVIDIA's Rick Champagne join postPerspective to talk about powering creative workflows. Topics include the

Webinar: Virtual Workstations — The New Must-Have Studio Essential

Cloud-based virtual workstations are not a new concept, but now they have become essential. Moderated by postPerspective's Randi

Virtual Panel: What Keeps You Up At Night?
Category: Webinars

Watch DigitalFilm Tree's Ramy Katrib, Image Engine's Ian Spriggs, Lenovo's Rob Hoffmann and Nvidia's Rick Champagne